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The Tipsybibliophile

I love cheap and tasty wine, reading stories about men falling in love and making good food…Here is where I mix all three.

Currently reading

Moon Called
Patricia Briggs
River Thieves: A Novel
Michael Crummey
First You Fall
Scott Sherman
The Child Thief
Beloved Son
Carole Cummings
Carole Cummings
The Broken Triangle
Jane Davitt, Alexa Snow
The Red King
Rosemary O'Malley
Pretty Shade of Grey
A.D. Truax
Sursein Judgment
Jet Mykles
The Magpie Lord - K.J. Charles Lived up to the HYPE and then some!

Let's see what can I say that already hasn't been said already? First off, this book REALLY IS a great read. It's a fabulous mystery/horror story with all the elements that I look forward to when I open up a thriller. The author HAS to be a Sherlock Holmes/HP Lovecraft fan, because the mix of disturbing/creepy, fast paced adventure, humor, with an engrossing complex mystery that spilled into an, for lack of better words, extremely appealing horror story was absolutely top notch...And then the romance. That's where this author went for "builp-up" that crescendoed to a breathless love scene that left me equally satisfied AND wanting more. The coming together here was TOTALLY worth waiting for. Perfectly timed, it wasn't a distraction from the mystery (which was the real meat of the story) and didn't at all feel gratuitious it felt like a REWARD!

It had been a while A LONG WHILE since I read a book in M/M that I had this much fun with. The setting was fantastic (so creepy and interesting). The writing superb, the characters palpable and very much alive on the page), the pacing just right...Everything made for a real treat.

Lucien Vaudrey has come back to the UK after 17 years in China to deal with the aftermath of both his father and brother commiting suicide. Leaving him as sole heir of their estate and righful owner of a Lordship. Lucien is not up to this, his relationship with his family was not a good one. His brother was a monster and his father his enabler. He hates the home he grew up in and to make things worse he is pretty sure someone has put a curse on him...That's where Stephen Day comes in. Day is "practitioner" of magic and has come with high recommendations...Lucien is not a fan of witches or sorcerers but things are getting weirder and he's afraid for his life.

Once Day helps with the immediate curse on Lucien he quickly realizes that there are powerful things in motion that are threat to Lucien, and even though Stephen should hate everyone with the Vaudrey last name he is a man who believes in justice and he cannot walk away from the evil that he sees sorrouding the man. Stephen wants to stay in Piper (the Vaudrey family estate) and figure what is with the Magpies ALL OVER THE PLACE and what's more there is way too much juju going for a little country town. There's also the fact that EVERYONE hates the Vaudreys...And that Lucien's advances are getting harder to resist.

Once Lucien starts getting under Stephen's skin he is drawn to the man more and more...After all just because he's fair minded doesn't mean he can't fall for the charm of the rakish Lord Crane.

So yeah this book was entirely enjoyable in every sense of the word. I loved every second and I'm super excited to hear there will be more from Stephen, Lucien and Merrick the valet/sidekick extraoridnare. I look forward to more intricate, fast paced adventures with a HEALTHY dose of hard core toppy smexin...Seriously what more could a girl ask for?!?!?!